Greater Noida, 26th October 2013: Accurate Group of Institutions hosted its Second (2nd ) National HR Seminar focusing on the HRM practices in the Current Business Environment under the direction and supervision of Dr. Rajeev Bhardwaj, Executive Director and Dr. A K Mishra, Head of HR Department respectively.
The program commenced with the registration of participants, welcome and felicitation of Chairperson, Dr. Sunita Singh Sengupta, Professor, FMS, University of Delhi and other speakers followed by lighting of the Lamp by all eminent members.
Ms. Poonam Sharma (Group Director) also ascertained the value of HR professionalism by stating it as the pulse of the vibrant organizations.
Dr. Rajeev Bhardwaj, started the proceedings with a warm welcome and words of of gratitude for all the speakers. His words filled the students with lots of hope and morality as he spoke about the necessity of knowledgeable managers, who would be ready to handle any situation. He also stressed on the increasing role of the HR Managers in the current business scenarios.
Chairperson Dr. Sunita Singh Sengupta led the morning session bringing forth the importance of Global HRM Practices and how HRM Policies are shaping up various organizations.
Followed by Other eminent Speakers
- Mr Sumit Kumar, Head – HR spoke on approaches to align the HR with Business needs.
- Mr Lokhendra Kumar, Head - Human Resources for Chassis and Motor Systems Domain at Uno Minda Group presented his views on challenges before industrial relations.
- Mr. Vikrant Bhatnagar, DGM - L&D, Head Competency Development at Bharti Airel Ltd. gave some of his ideas and knowledge on how to manage talent at the workplace. And
- Mr. Abbas Jalis Rizvi, Area Manager, Talent Acquisition Global Shared Services Centre, Ericsson he shared his experiences and viewpoints on how to create a strategic win - win situation and how the companies benefit out of them.
The second Session was chaired by Dr. Devinder Kumar Banwet, Professor, Depatment of Management Sciences, IIT Delhi who some of his experiences and encompassed the present members with information’s on developing HRM systems and processes.
Few other speakers form various Industries present at the event were
- Mr. Rajnish julka, Sr. VP HR (Global), Intex Technologies Pvt Ltd. emphasized on topics like devloping organizational change process.
- Mr Deepak Jalan, AGM - Human Resources – Corporate at Spanco BPO Services Limited, Gurgaon. imparted insight into methods to facilitate equilibrium in the organization.
- And Mr Deepak Goel, Co-Founder & CEO - Business Focus group. Who emphasized on the need and necessity of developing new talent and developing new business leaders.
This program was attended by various corporate employees, academicians and students of various institutions.
The program ended with vote of thanks to the distinguished guests and attendees by Dr. Vandana Pareek, and Prof. Silky Sharma.